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welcome to sri lanka..... The Wonder of asia


Sunday, March 31, 2013

Yala National Park Videos..

Yala National Park Videos.. Yala National Park is the most visited and second largest national park in Sri Lanka... visit; this page;  yala national park    ...

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Weherahena Temple Sri lanka

 Weherahena ( Veherahena) Temple  Weherahena ( Veherahena) is popular temple among the buddhist pilgrims.Although there is nothing of historical significance, the story of the temple is quite interesting. In addition, the temple is said be the largest and the first tunnel temple in the world. The even though it is said this temple was adobe to arhath bikkus in the ancient Sri Lanka, the story of the temple starts during the early ...

Friday, February 15, 2013

Yala National Park

Yala National Park  Yala National Park is the most visited and second largest national park in Sri Lanka. Actually it consists of five blocks, two of which are now open to the public; and also adjoining parks. The blocks have individual names also, like Ruhuna National Park for the (best known) block 1 and Kumana National Park or 'Yala East' for the adjoining area. It is situated in the southeast region of the country, and lies in Southern...